Pittsburgh Needs to Know
Share your experience as a hospital worker.
The recent Pittsburgh Hospital Workers’ Survey, conducted by the University of Pittsburgh School of Social Work, showed that 93% of hospital workers regularly think about leaving their jobs. We are facing a workforce and public health crisis that will impact the Pittsburgh area for decades if we do not meet this crisis head-on.
In coordination with several state and local elected leaders, we held an Intergovernmental Hearing to investigate the crisis that you all are experiencing. After listening to testimony from elected officials, academics, and hospital workers at the hearing; we are asking PGH hospital workers to share their experience, to help us understand this bedside crisis, and to be a part of developing bold solutions. Please share your experience here:

Rep. Summer Lee

Rep. Sara Innamorato

Rep. Dan Frankel

Sen. Lindsey Williams

Pittsburgh Councilwoman Erika Strassburger

Allegheny County Controller Corey O'Connor